Before you may marry in Queensland, and before one gets too far into the planning of the marriage ceremony with sand ceremony rituals and the like, a NOIM must be completed.
The NOIM is an application form titled: Notice of Intended Marriage. The NOIM is to be completed and lodged with the registered celebrant who will be performing your marriage ceremony. It must be lodged at least a month (or up to 18 months) before getting married. To complete the form, your registered celebrant must sight your identify and eligibility documents and these are:
· evidence of the date and place of birth for both for you, or a current overseas passport if you were born outside Australia,
· current photo ID
· evidence of any previous divorce or death of any spouse, if applicable—such as original divorce or death certificate for previous spouse.
Please contact Lauretta Wright who is an authorised registered Marriage Celebrant in the Fraser Coast region of Queensland, Australia, and is a qualified Justice of the Peace (Qld). Link to NOIM URL:
With the NOIM successfully completed, and lodged with your registered celebrant, then one can get back to organising the ceremony's rituals like a sand ceremony and its precious keepsake.
