I am a full-time celebrant, and a grandparent, and I love taking photographs! So much so that I've recently updated my camera and lenses. Together with my long-time best friend we have started a challenge to use our photography equipment every week and post some of our favourite images on a Friday on our joint use Instagram account: Sisters In Sanity. Please follow us on our journey.
Here one image, of my next grandchild and his mother (did I mention I was a proud and excited grandmother?).

I do take my camera along to rehearsals and ceremony site when I visit with couples. Please do ask me to snap and capture a memory or two for you. Keen to add-on my photography service to your wedding package, let's do chat! 0438199984 lauretta@wrightcelebrations.com.au
#SistersIsSanity #SistersInSanityphotography #laurettawrightcelebrant #herveybaycelebrant #herveybayweddings #herveybaymarriagecelebrant #herveybayweddingcelebrant #maryboroughcelebrant #maryboroughweddingcelebrant #maryboroughmarriagecelebrant #WrightWhereLoveIs #doingitWright #WrightCelebrations #destinationFraserCoast